Everything in life is part of a circle and flows in a an endless cycle. One aspect of life is the human being. It follows cycles within cycles. One cycle is the physical. We are born, we grow through our adolescent years into our adulthood. We grow old and will eventually pass away. Much like the seasons of the year we are always in one of them. Likewise, we have emotional cycles. We start out calm, then thoughts and emotions are energized by some triggering event. In an instant the cycle moves you into a state of laughter or pain. If allowed to be expressed and not trapped, emotion will eventually pass away just as our bodies in the physical cycle. Our breathing is yet another cycle that is essential. Without breath our bodies cannot be nourished with the oxygen for all of our cells to perform their cycles. It is interesting to meditate on some of the results of interfering with these cycles and not learning how to flow with them. For example, a person that does not allow their emotions to be expressed or does not allow them to flow effectively stops them from continuing on in the cycle and stops the flow of the circle. As these emotions are delayed expressing themselves openly, the energy grows exponentially until the circle gets so out of balance that momentum forces the cycle to explode back into harmony. Sometimes at the expense of a human life. Living in the flow of life covers all levels and dimensions of existence and by allowing that flow to be in balance is the key to a joyful life.
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